About Me


My name is Lisa Elting. I taught 9-12th grade English and ESL in Houston, Texas. I always wanted to start a blog about things I did in my classroom, but never found the time. Now that I have switched roles, as a SIOP Coach, I'm doing it!...Slowly, but surely. I love my job, and I'm passionate about teaching, that's why I took a job supporting teachers and English language learners. My other passions in life are my wonderful family, my adorable fur babies, and anything DIY or crafty.

In the classroom I loved reading teacher blogs, so many ideas and oh! the networking. This was great, but as a teacher of ELLs, I wanted even more. I love to create and I love sharing ideas, so that is what this blog is about: anything and everything about teaching English language learners. I hope you'll notice these things will work for everyone, and can find some inspiration here.


  1. Thanks for sharing my TEDX Talk, Lisa! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. -Michelle Benegas

  2. Great site! A very well written blog with lots of useful material. Very user friendly. I will keep your site in mind as I work on my own network of sites.


    Do you have an RSS feed of your posts? I would love to add it to my main site. Cheers! Toni

    I use WordPress. My Blogger account is not set up to import from my WP site properly. So, nothing to see on Blogger from me.

  3. This is really wonderful site that - as I make 12-15 mini ELL preps (rotating stations)for my class of 16 tomorrow- it inspires me and I know I'm not alone. I also helps as I gently work with teachers about ELLs being the ELL teacher/Coach etc. The title of your blog encapsulates my similar mission and passion for change at my school and district. Many thanks!
