My Bookshelf

Interested in what's on my bookshelf, and what I'm reading?


Ladybugs, Tornadoes, and Swirling Galaxies by Brad Buhrow and Anne Upczak Garcia. This is one of my favorite books as it skillfully blends English language learning and inquiry based learning and writing across the curriculum. There are tons of examples and pictures to see what they are talking about in action.


  1. Struggling With English, From Kindergarten to High School Graduation
  2. How Cultural Differences Can Affect Learning
  3. Debunking the Myths of English Language Learners
  4. Do Bilinguals Change Personality when They Switch Languages? Thanks Lisa M. for sharing!
  5. Talking to Learn
  6. Less-Experienced Teachers Placed in English Learner Classrooms
  7. 5 Things You Might Not Know About English Language Learners
  8. What Does Research Tell Us About Teaching Reading to English Language Learners
  9. The 5 R's: We're all English Language Learners

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  1. Hi. I love your blog. I just recently published a new book to help teachers understand and teach beginner ELLs and Refugees. I am wondering if you would be willing to read and promote my book?? I have both an electronic version and a print version. If so, please email me!

  2. Here is the link to the book I would like you to promote if you are willing:
